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RMS and POS Forums
Topic Replies Views Last Post
How can RMS track Expiry Items?
by IT People in General RMS and POS Discussion
0 3330
by IT People
04/11/2012 8:33 AM
Job seeker
by leykap in General RMS and POS Discussion
0 3353
by leykap
03/26/2012 7:20 AM
List Daily Sales By Cashier
by intouchpos in General RMS and POS Discussion
0 5268
by intouchpos
03/09/2012 7:49 AM
Updating Alias to an existen item
by plivov in General RMS and POS Discussion
0 3699
by plivov
02/09/2012 1:12 PM
multi store transfer out
by paulmichael in RMS Add-ins Discussion
0 3796
by paulmichael
02/02/2012 1:11 PM
Auto Batch My Credit Card Transactions
by FTService in RMS Add-ins Discussion
0 4756
by FTService
11/28/2011 9:09 AM
Sales Report Delayed
by ursumar86 in General RMS and POS Discussion
0 3388
by ursumar86
09/25/2011 4:10 AM
Sale Screen
by cngpr in General RMS and POS Discussion
0 3306
by cngpr
07/09/2011 11:25 PM
Issue with Transfer Out to Transfer In from Store to Store
by ryanpravi in RMS Add-ins Discussion
0 3796
by ryanpravi
06/23/2011 3:38 PM
Tender types multiple entries
by amrita in RMS Add-ins Discussion
0 3911
by amrita
10/06/2010 12:37 AM
Display Euro Symbol
by Mndy in

Unhandled Error

Error Details

Error  Could not allocate space for object 'dbo.EventLog'.'PK_EventLogMaster' in database 'DotNetNuke' because the 'PRIMARY' filegroup is full. Create disk space by deleting unneeded files, dropping objects in the filegroup, adding additional files to the filegroup, or setting autogrowth on for existing files in the filegroup.