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Dynamics RMS and POS Tech. Info

Microsoft Dynamics RMS (Retail Management System) and Dynamics POS (Point of Sale) belong to a family of sophistiacted business products that automate processes and routines related to sales transactions, inventory management, payment processing, business analysis and other business functions in a retail store.

Unlike general productivity software (such as as Microsoft Office family of product), installing, configuring, customizing and using these products requires special training and experience.

Both Dynamics RMS and Dynamics POS are customizable (i.e. allow to build solutions that enhance their "out of the box" functionaility), however in different capacity. While Dynamics RMS can be substantially customized (by adding third  partysoftware pieces, creating custom reports, formats and templates), Microsoft POS can be customized in limited fashion in only certain areas and is intended to be used mainly "out of the box".

In this section of our Web site we will post various information pertaining to cusomizing Dynamics RMS by its "native" means (i.e scripts, receipts and reports) and providing some tips and tricks that may be useful in daily RMS operations.

Those visitors interested in additional functionaility provided by third-party addons for Dynamics RMS, should look in our RMS Addons secition.

Please visit Dynamics RMS Tips and Tricks and Dynamics RMS Downloads pages. Don't forget to register and logon to be able to download the content.


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