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Subject: View time clock entries in HQ

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03/18/2010 9:19 AM Alert 
Hello all! Hope you can help! I am trying for the life of me to find where I can find the time clock entries from our stores in headquarters manager. We just got the program about 2 weeks ago, and I read in the manual that you can view the time clock entries, you just cannot edit them. but where does this take place? Do I need to do a worksheet for it too? Thanks in advance

03/18/2010 9:25 AM Alert 
Reports->Miscellaneous->Cashier Log

03/18/2010 9:30 AM Alert 
Mixer, thanks for the reply, but all I see is when the cashiers logged into RMS. I am looking for something that displays like the Time Clock displays in the regular Store ops manager. Unless I am not doing it right. I am filtering Time In & Time Out Thanks!

03/18/2010 10:01 AM Alert 
Run the report again. Right mouse click on the report. Select "Show/Hide Columns". Check Time In/Time Out columns, un-check everything irrelevant. Review the report. You can drag columns right-left on the report by the column header. Once satisfied with the layout, memorize the layout report (click the diskette button on the report). Hope it helps.

03/18/2010 10:37 AM Alert 
It is still showing the same thing. It is only calculating when the cashiers logged into RMS. It does not show when they used the 'Time Clock' function to punch in and out.

So I worked 40 hours last week, but it's only saying 16 because it just counts when I logged into RMS to do a sale. Unless I have to schedule a worksheet to get that data?

03/18/2010 10:51 AM Alert 
Do you use Clock-In / Clock Out function in RMS POS?

03/18/2010 12:09 PM Alert 
Yes, we use the typical CTRL-SHIFT-F4 function to Clock everyone in and out, but for some odd reason, REPORTS>MISC>CASHIER LOGS is not showing the clock-in / clock-out correctly. You know how when you start up the POS it asks you for your number and password? Well that information is being passed to REPORTS>MISC>CASHIER LOGS. We have a couple people on salary, and they don't clock in, but yet they show up in that report, because they use their username and password to start up RMS.

03/18/2010 12:17 PM Alert 
Did you try the store-side cashier clock report? Does it work correctly?

03/18/2010 12:22 PM Alert 
Yes. Store Operations Manager>Database>Time Clock is displaying everything correctly, with the hours displaying correctly (yesterday I worked 8 hours, etc)

03/18/2010 3:39 PM Alert 
OK, I got it. The Time Clock form reads data from a different table than the standard report. You need a custom report. If you can't find such report on CustomerSource, we can build one for you. With Retail Hero the cost of custom report is $150. Please contact sales@RetailHero.com and mention this conversation.


03/19/2010 8:24 AM Alert 
Thanks! The Retail Hero staff is the best! I should've known it was you guys answering the question. lol I found the report file, and I am going to take a stab at editing it and see what I come up with. Thanks for your help Anthony!

07/26/2010 3:29 PM Alert 
hmm why is everyone charging millions for noobiness...

I have over 100 modules on a lan (php/asp/aspx) we built around RMS...

add global employees, list/delete
create po's on past sales to all stores remotely and automatically.
Iphone Access for daily sales etc
employee commision reports
profit /loss report
bad pricing ( example.. list all wihout priceb or without cost)
find first/last day of work of a cashier..
find products ( ajax -> type a few letters and it lists the product/sku and avail in all stores)
and inventory reports in $$ live with movements for accounting ;)

instead of reading all the stores Z's on mondays, i made an application page  that generates all info for deposits.

so much to list... so basically if you can code a bit,, the sql needed is

SELECT   master.dbo.MyTime(sum(datediff(ss,TimeIn,TimeOut ))) as worked FROM TimeClock WHERE CashierID='$cashierid' AND
     (CAST(CONVERT(varchar(10), [TimeClock].TimeIn, 101) as DateTime) >='${from}')
     (CAST(CONVERT(varchar(10), [TimeClock].TimeIn, 101) as DateTime) <='${to}')
    AND StoreID = '$store' 

of course the complete web page is 430 lines for this..

and master.dbo.MyTime is our custom procedure to return HH:MM:SS for total time worked in a range you specify..

We charge 60$ an hour to build reports.... and modules.. let us know.

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