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Subject: Microsoft Roadmap for Retail

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03/22/2010 2:00 PM Alert 

On March 15 2010, Microsoft has released the new Statement of Direction for Retail. All RMS/POS VARs should have access to it through PartnerSource.

We found few surprises in the document, however. It has confirmed the rumours and speculations that have been floating around at least since Summer 2008, when POS 2009 was released. However, it added few interesting details. Let's see what has been already known and now is confirmed: 

  • There  will be no HQ for POS 2009 or its future versions
  • All multi-store RMS customers will be offered to migrate to Dynamics AX for Retail by 2014
  • There are some "Feature Packs" planned for both RMS and POS 2009

New details:

  • There will be a product called POS 2013 (???), perhaps the next version of POS 2009. Nothing more specific.
  • Multistore RMS customers will be offered license-per-license swap for Dynamic AX for Retail. Then they can opt for one of the three options: 1) use Dynamics AX as just a HQ solution 2) use Dyancmis AX as a HQ and integrate it with thrid party ERP 3) Use the full ERP functionaility of the Dynamics AX. Of course, it seems that only the large retail chains will be able to afford the last option as Dynamics AX is the most expensive Dynamics ERP product.
  • Though the RMS licenses will be traded for the same number of AX licenses at no extra cost (provided the customer is current on the service plan), the new service plan cost will be calculated based on the standard AX licensing cost. We see it as a nasty catch - the AX licenses are signinficantly more expensive than those of RMS/POS 2009 and so the annual cost will be much higher. Not to mention adding more licenses.
  • There will be two "Feature Packs" for Dynamics RMS. The first one, planned for Q3 2010,  will include some minor changes with only one major good news - global vouchers (gift cards). The second one (planned for 2012), will address performance issues as well as add Open-To-Buy and Central Warehouse among other smaller features.
  • The "Feature Pack" for  POS2009 will be available in 2011 with some of the abnove features.
  • Both RMS and POS will remain in English language, though AX, supposedly, will be available in 38 countries and multiple languages.

Impressed? Honestly, we are not. Retail Hero would like to hear your opinion - customers and VARs.

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