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Subject: Reading from the RMS database

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08/21/2007 9:08 PM Alert 

Our company develops and markets a product called WinCounter (www.wincounter.com) which is a people counting product. Many of our end-users are retail stores. WinCounter has a "Sales Comparison" report which compares foot traffic into a store with sales data. The report pulls the data from POS software sales data. We have had a request to integrate this report with RMS sales data. I've had a look at the specs for RMS and it appears to have a SQL Server database.

Does anyone have any info on the database structure? We are looking at making a simple SQL query to return sales transactions.

I'm also trying to get a demo version of the software so we can have a real look at it.

Any help or comments would be greatly appreciated.

Barry Dodge
Principal Consultant
Software Studio Ltd.


08/22/2007 7:47 AM Alert 

Hi Barry,

Microsoft providfes no documentation on RMS database schema, but it must be pretty obvious when you look at it for most of the tables have meaningful names. Generally, there are no constriiants except for the primary keys and no enforced relationship between the tables so you got to figure out relationships yourself. But, as I said, naming makes it pretty transparent

It may be also very useful to take a look inside the RMS reports for they contain chunks of SQL queries that may provide insight into the schema.

Do you need to read from or write to the RMS database?



08/22/2007 2:03 PM Alert 
Hi Anthony
We just need to read data from the database to produce a report, so hopefully it will be fairly straight-forward. I'm still tring to get a demo so I can look at the database. :)

We have also been asked if we can write "foot traffic" (people count) data into the RMS database so the end-user can produce reports from within RMS. I said we would not be doing that ourselves as it would require some major customisation of RMS i.e adding a table and producing a custom report that read from the new table. Do you know if it is possible to customise RMS this much? Does anyone do it?
I assume that adding a new table would be beyond the bounds of a normal customisation.

08/22/2007 2:46 PM Alert 

RMS is actually quite customizeable and our company Retail Hero particularly specializes in customizaing RMS and building various add-ons. It is certainly possible to create additional tables in the RMS database and use data in them in customized RMS reports.It is also possible to add various POS screen enhancements etc.

Where are you located? We can ship to you a demo RMS CD if you wish...

It also seems that you have an interesting product that may be of use to some of our customers. The bottom line - we may help you to develop such an integraton on certain terms ;-) Do you (or your customer) already have an RMS VAR or Partner? Please feel free to contact me directly at mixer@retailhero.com





08/26/2007 3:46 AM Alert 

Hi Anthony

I sent you an email regarding building a custom interface to WinCounter. Did it get to you?


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