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Subject: Store Operations POS Reprint Receipt Not Updating Corrected Line Items

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05/27/2011 12:08 PM Alert 
Hi, My company, we are using Microsoft Dynamics RMS 2.0 at our stores on Windows XP machines. I created a tranasaction in Store Operations POS with multiple line items. Tendered it and printed the receipt. Then I noticed there was an error on one of the line items. Went in the Daily Report screen to correct that line item. Saved the transaction. However, when I tried to Reprint Receipt by holding Shift F11, it still shows the wrong entry for the line item, even though on the Daily Report screen, it is showing correctly. Is this a known RMS/ POS bug? Our POS file version is Is there updates/ fixes for this bug? Thank you, Ann

05/27/2011 1:25 PM Alert 
Yes, and it is by design. The receipt in the journal is just an "image" of the receipt that was printed on the receipt printer. Changing the item will not change the data on the historic receipt. That makes sense form the business perspective.
If you want a receipt with the new item data, you may return the original transaction, and ring the identical transaction again - the new receipt will display the new item data.


05/27/2011 1:36 PM Alert 
Thank you for the answer and clarification. I guess I was looking at the Receipt template XML, and I thought the receipt is auto-generated based on what is stored currently in the database. I did not realize it was just an image. Ann

05/27/2011 1:38 PM Alert 
Yes, the receipt is auto-generated based on the template, but in the Journal you have the image of the receipt that was printed. By the way, if you change the receipt template you need to refresh the receipt in the Store Ops Manager, because the templates is cached by the system and remains the same even if you've changed the file, unless you refresh it.

05/27/2011 1:45 PM Alert 
Thank you for the tip - I will keep that in mind!
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Forums > Microsoft RMS and POS > General RMS and POS Discussion > Store Operations POS Reprint Receipt Not Updating Corrected Line Items

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