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Subject: credit card receipt

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03/14/2008 12:15 PM Alert 
how do i get a second receipt printed for the customer to sign for the credit card purchase?right now when a customer uses a credit card the printer make one print and at the end there is a line for the customer to sign his name and we tear the bottom by hand and we give the customer the rest of the receipt which is not very professional.what should i do to get a seperate receit for the customer to sign?

11/18/2008 2:54 PM Alert 
Did you ever figure this out?  I am experiencing the same problem.

03/26/2010 10:18 AM Alert 
What kind of reciept printer are you guys using. We had the same problem, and we ended up fixing it in the reciept printer preferences I believe.

07/14/2010 5:05 AM Alert 
I am trying to do the same thing and have a partial solution.

1. we went into SO MGR
2. went to database>registers> reciept formats and selected the appropiate reciept format and clicked properties
3. clicked the properties button of the payment reciept format
4. in the attributes column we selected reciept count and changed this to 2.
5. saved changes and restarted POS

this worked however it prints 2 reciepts for each tender type not just credit cards and does not cut the two reciepts

we think we have worked out the cutting of reciept - in the attributes of the reciept printer properties there is an attribute CC paper cut percentage which was set to 75 and we changed to 50 (DID NOT WORK)

we are still trying to solve the double printing of all tender types - any suggestions

we have tested on a star printer TSP650 cutter

07/14/2010 12:57 PM Alert 
I'm afraid you need a custom receipt format to print 2 copies only for the credit card transactions, but not the others. Did you check on CustomerSource downloads?
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