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Subject: Individual Item time

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11/17/2008 12:33 PM Alert 

Hey Guys,

I am dying to figure out whether there is any way to get the individual Item time (when it was added in a transaction) in either PrintReceipt hook or TenderEnd hook? We certainly can use Add Item hook to record time when the item was added but if user decides to hold it and again recalling after two or three transactions is where my pain starts.

I am doing integration using qsrules.dll in vb.net. I am maintaining a dictonary in AddItem hook where I am storing time of each individual item.

Now lets say that user is holding transaction and starts new one. This time I will be in need to store my dictionary (of Add Item hook) in RAM for later processing. Well, In Add Item hook they dont have anything unique so that I can store that dictionary using that key. Unique means in AddItem hook I am always getting TransactionNumner=0 (this is getting number in either EndTender hook or PrintReceipt hook). I dont know how to get the Transaction hold ID (if any) so that I can associate this unique value to the dictionary and put it aside in RAM.

If there is any field available in session.transaction.transactionentry to give me time when the item was added my problem gets solved. Or even any unique field which I can use in Add Item hook to store it and when the transaction will be recalled I can compare with.

Any help or hint will be highly appriciated.

Please help..








11/18/2008 2:04 PM Alert 
I'd create you own custom database field and/or table to store the time (based on the add item hook). You can then use the entries index (0 being first item, 1 second item) to relate this to the stored entries. I don't think any RMS fields are going to help you here. Andrew
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