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Subject: RMS database access

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06/24/2009 1:38 AM Alert 
Hiii All,
             I want to access data from the RMS database in my c#.net web application.
1. How can i interact with RMS database ,
2. Is there any tool available to fetch data from RMS,
3. What i required to interact with RMS database.


12/18/2009 9:29 AM Alert 
I guess, you need at least a valid connection string in your application :-)

04/13/2010 9:35 AM Alert 
Posted By Ravinder on 06/24/2009 1:38 AM
Hiii All,
             I want to access data from the RMS database in my c#.net web application.
1. How can i interact with RMS database ,
2. Is there any tool available to fetch data from RMS,
3. What i required to interact with RMS database.


I use PHP to connect to our database, using ODBC in the Data Sources (ODBC) connector in Windows 7. It's pretty much the same for xp too. I am not sure how .NET or ASP connects to the ODBC, but I am sure there is something out there. Here is a quick google link http://www.asp101.com/articles/john/connstring/default.asp I haven't learned .NET yet, or ASP, because I first starting learning PHP. Typically, you can connect to the MSSQL database using PHP, but A LOT of web servers do not allow the MSSQL module to be active, but they almost always leave the OBDC module alone. I installed XAMPP on my machine, and then set up the server to accept incoming visitors, and voila! Here is what we did using Hero Points and RMS as a point search. http://liverewards.dyndns.org/ndps/points.php Basically when the user types in their customer code, it searches the database, and brings back their point total, and how much they have on their account off their next purchase. Good luck!

05/01/2012 1:43 AM Alert 

Hope you are doing great !!

Could you please let me know, what is the procedure to setup and
installation of MS Dynamics RMS Store Operations 2.0 ? And how much time will take to install in the store (in hours) ?

If possible please share the Developers and User guide,

Would really appreciate if anybody can assist me on this, actually i am very much new to RMS 2.0...

Thanks a ton in advance
Jascharan Singh
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