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Subject: RMS PC Charge Debit Module

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04/13/2010 9:50 AM Alert 
We are having a slight problem with our RMS PC Charge Debit module. Every once in a while, when we do a debit transaction, the whole POS locks up, and we are forced to shut it down, redo the transaction, and it works. Any developers know why it would lock up like this sometimes? We are running Windows 7, and I already took permissions on pretty much all folders associated with PC Charge and RMS, but that has not worked. Any help would be remarkable! Thanks!

07/14/2010 1:20 PM Alert 
Change the payment provider. PC Charge has always been known for causing issues with RMS. Use a merchant provider with which RMS works out-of-the-box, like Mercury Payments

05/01/2012 1:44 AM Alert 

Hope you are doing great !!

Could you please let me know, what is the procedure to setup and
installation of MS Dynamics RMS Store Operations 2.0 ? And how much time will take to install in the store (in hours) ?

If possible please share the Developers and User guide,

Would really appreciate if anybody can assist me on this, actually i am very much new to RMS 2.0...

Thanks a ton in advance
Jascharan Singh

07/12/2013 3:44 AM Alert 
Hello puri,

I'm share with you a resource to solve your issues just try to read, hope it would be helpful. : http://www.palmettopos dot com/pdf/RMS/RMS%20Users%20Guide.pdf
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Forums > Microsoft RMS and POS > RMS Add-ins Discussion > RMS PC Charge Debit Module

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