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Subject: Problem Programming Hook

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05/24/2008 11:02 AM Alert 

 hello, i need Help


I have added a Qty Column in alias table, the Item have to many alias but the qty is different for each item style, I'm try to program a hook wich when the item is scanned the hook check based on alias if this item have a qty value if it's have a qty value more than 1 return the value stored in qty column to the pos grid, I have tryed using SetQuantityOnOrder  function but when the item is scanned POS say error can not load the dll, I have try with other function like example in customization guide and it works, how can i do this. thanks, and sorry for my english!.


07/28/2008 5:36 PM Alert 

Haga su pregunta en español y con gusto lo ayudo.


07/28/2008 6:02 PM Alert 
Gracias ya resolvi el problema.
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Forums > Microsoft RMS and POS > RMS Add-ins Discussion > Problem Programming Hook

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