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Subject: Displaying ILC in an HTML Status Document

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08/05/2008 4:28 PM Alert 

Hello,  I have been having an issue trying to get the ItemLookupCode to display in a LineItem HTML Status document used at the top of POS.  I used one of the HTML files and made some changes to it, but the code does not appear to work for the ItemLookup Code.

The following is a copy of the code that I'm using.  I have spoken with a coupld of Addin creators that tell me this code should work but when run it displays all of the other items but not the ItemLookupCode.  If there are any programmers amongst you readers that are familiar with the QSRules heirarchy and can tell me where my error is, I would be really thankful.  At this point I'm stuck on this and cannot progress on the next part of the information that I have to gather.

Thanks in advance for any and all replies.

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04/13/2010 9:41 AM Alert 
You might want to make a download link for the html file on a server... It kind of messed up the post. :)
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Forums > Microsoft RMS and POS > RMS Add-ins Discussion > Displaying ILC in an HTML Status Document

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