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Subject: NCR 7875

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01/19/2010 12:43 AM Alert 
Hello, I just downloaded the RMS evaluation and would like to setup a working system before considering full purchase. I currently have a PC running Windows 7 64bit (this could be my mistake here) I installed the Edgeport USB driver for this device. My device has both USB and RS232 ports. My question is: Has anyone been successful at getting the scanner/scale to work on RMS in the USB environment? How about Serial RS 232? If so, what drivers did u use and what was your setup procedure? Thanks much!

01/26/2011 4:35 PM Alert 
All the scanner scales that I have done required to be serial to interface to RMS. You will need the OPOS drivers for this device to work correctly. You will need to contact an NCR dealer to get the drivers if you dont have it. Also the scanner and scale part of the device will need to have different OPOS device names.
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