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Subject: RMS POS tender Problem

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05/15/2011 6:59 AM Alert 
Hi everybody, I have one problem When ever i am installing new database in the Store operation manager and after that when all installation is finished. and even i Defined the tender type also. Then when i am going for sale some itme in POS then when we tender the sale it gives me the following message. " This transaction cannot be tendered, since no tender types are defined. Please use store Operation Manager to define the types of tender your store accept. Note that this POS station must be restarted before any changes to tender types take effect. " This is the message which i receive and after that i am not be able to post the transaction. I defined the tender types already in the store operation manager. Please help me to solve thi problem permanently. Thanks Umar Khitab

05/15/2011 9:27 AM Alert 
Whenever you add or change a tender type, you need to Z-out the POS. I.e., run the Z-report using F5. The idea behind this functionality that the tenders must be consistent within a sales batch.


05/16/2011 7:18 AM Alert 
Thank you very much MIxer... My problem is solve.,
Thanks again.
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