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Subject:  Random Weight UPC Code with embedded weight

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02/06/2008 10:51 PM Alert 
Hi all, Im at pains reading through the posts but havent come across a solution to my current urgent problem :(
I work for a microsoft rms partner and we are implementing rms 2.0 for
a clent in Zimbabwe.
Most of their business is on weighted items. My problem is centred on
the fact that their currency runs to ridiculous figures. For standard
items this is fine as they is no limit to the digits on the pos
however when it comes weighted scale items the label limit to 99,999
is a hurdle.

Is it possible to have a configuration on rms 2.0 such that the EAN
label is read as weight of the item rather than price.

EAN Format: pp#####$$$$$c
pp = prefix (20 or 02)
##### = 5 digit PLU
$$$$$ = 5 digit price -----------------CAN YOU CONFIGURE  POS TO READ AS WEIGHT  999.99
c = check digit

This would give an allowance of a weight of upto 999.99 kgs/lbs to
which if exceeded they could always pack separately.
The price figure would then be calculated by price=weight*price per
unit weight
Further this would mean that updating the scale prices would be
irrelevant as the pos would always determine the correct price.
If anyone has an idea how to get over this rms handicap let me know as
i am getting hammered by my client with the argument that their
archaic solution which we are replacing has this facility.
Below is an extract of his latest email.
Have you guys found a solution to the scale issue? Please respond
urgently, as this is a major hurdle. The POS MUST be able to identify
and then process barcodes of the form 20SSSSWWWWWWX or 21SSSSWWWWWWX
where SSSS is the 4 digit lookup code, WWWWWW is the weight(prefix
20=variable weight) OR quantity(prefix 21=fixed price per unit). The
POS should also be able to configure where to place the decimal point
in the WWWWWW e.g. WW.WWWW or WWW.WWW. which our current system
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Forums > Microsoft RMS and POS > What's Wrong with the Picture? > Random Weight UPC Code with embedded weight

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