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Subject: The future of RMS?

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09/05/2008 2:42 PM Alert 


We just got about fed up with RMS. Today alone we discovered and reported to Microsoft two new bugs, one in RMS 2.0 is caused by the Hotfix 12, another has been dragging along since the version 1.3.

We feel like we've had enough. That is why I'm opening a new discusssion topic not only that each of you can express your frustration and dissatisfaction (or may be satisfaction - who knows), but also to find facts.

We'd like to know what everyone things of RMS, and please be specific - do not post something like "it's pure crap" or "its the greates since sliced bvread", but instead give your own view on which areas need to be improved or changed.

Microsoft has that "suggest a product feature" function in Partner- and CustomerSource. Has anyone seen it? We haven't.

Some rumours are that RMS 3.0 Beta is being tested with a customer in Washington State. Does any one have a list of the features, or received a copy for beta-testing? We haven't.

This is just nosense. We think this project is severely botched from top down and we have grave concerns of its future, our own customers, business etc. Share your comments please.

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